Sunday, December 30, 2012


Just a short post to tell all the readers that if you want more information about the Secret and the Law of Attraction, I've created a page on facebook: The Secret Behind The Secret Blog
There you can find videos about this topic. They go deeper into the topics I post in here.

If you want to find me on facebook as well, this is my account: Eve Comprés

Thank you very much and I hope you like the page :)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Principle of the Hole (or Emptiness)

What is the Principle of the Hole?

Let me tell you that it is one of the most powerful principles of the Secret and the Law of Attraction if you  use it properly.

What does it consist of?
Ok, it might be a bit difficult to explain, but I will do it by using an example.

Imagine you work as a real state agent. As you know,  real state agents work on a commission basis: the more they sell, the more they earn.  So imagine you start to work as a real state agent and at first you do not get any sales. How can you change that situation? Follow these steps and you will see:

1) First, use your favourite visualization technique and imagine yourself being successful and getting lots of sales.
2) Get a notebook or something similar that you can use as some kind of record sheet. Normally, business people use record sheets to track all the sales or deals they get. Well, I would like you to do it the other way round: write down the name of the month you are in, let's say it is january. Write it down and below write numbers from 1 onwards and leave blank spaces between them. Why? Because you will need to fill in the blanks with the deals or sales you get. Believe me, you will need those spaces because when something is empty it needs filling in. That is the Law of the Universe and believe me when I say that Emptiness always attracts something to occupy free space.

Would you like another example of emptiness? What happens when you get your salary every month? Normally you spend your money, and sometimes on things you do not really need. Do you normally save money? Be honest: not much, do you? The usual situation is the more you earn, the more you spend.

But what happens when you buy a money box? People buy a money box,  insert the first coin and put the box in a cupboard. The box is an almost empty container that will eventually be filled in. Money calls for money.

Now that you know how to use the power of emptiness or the principle of the Hole, I would like to encourage you to apply it to whatever you do in life.
Personally I use it to find what to write about. As a fiction writer, sometimes I suffer from the famous Writer's Block. What I do then is write down numbers from one to ten on a piece of paper, leaving blank spaces between them, so that emptiness or hole asks for ideas to write about. That is one of the techniques I use to get new ideas for my short stories.

Once again, thanks for following this blog and I hope year 2013 brings you all the happiness all of us deserve.

Sunday, December 23, 2012


This is a summary of the principles of the Law of Attraction. You can print them and have them with you at all times because it will help you to focus on your objectives. This is very powerful:

1) You get what you attract. If you always see negative things in everything, you will only attract misfortunes to your life. If you see positive things in everything, you will attract beautiful things to your life.

2) You cannot control your thoughts, but if you question them they lose their power over you.

3) Principle of the Hole: this is one of the most powerful principles or techniques in the Law of Attraction. I will devote my whole next post to tell you about it. It is an instant hapiness booster.

4) Action: of course, you need to do something to make the Secret and the Law of Attraction work. You cannot expect to be able to get what you want by just "praying" and sitting down. For example, imagine you are unemployed and need to find a new job. Maybe you put into practice all the techniques posted on this blog, but of course if you do not send anybody your C.V or you do not try to contact the companies you would like to work for, you will never get a job. And this works with every kind of situation in your life.

5) Repetition: you need to keep in mind what you desire at all times. A good technique is use the new technologies. For example, you can set an alarm for some specific times of the day to remind you of your objective or to remind you to do some visualization activities to reinforce the other techniques you are using.

Please, remember my next post will be about the powerful principle of the Hole.

Once again, thank you very much for reading and I hope you enjoy your Christmas holidays :)

P.S. As a Christmas holiday, please have a look at this great article about the Law of Attraction and the Principles of Financial Success. Enjoy!

Monday, December 17, 2012


                                                WOULD YOU LIKE TO SHINE IN SPORT?

For all of you who dedicate your lives to sport... I've got very good news:
You can make the most of the Law of Attraction to become much better in your sport.

Meditation, relaxation and visualization techniques can help you turn into a star in the world of soccer, football, baseball, basketball, or in whichever specialty you practise.

What is the secret? Well, on your marks, get ready, go!  Guess what?
The secret is The Secret and the Law of Attraction.

How does it work?
The same as in any other situation:
1) First, I'd like you to set what you want in your mind. Maybe you want to be the best kickboxer in your gym, or the best in Europe, or the best in the world...the important thing is that you keep in mind exactly what your goal is. You can write your objective as clearly as possible on a piece of paper. Remember the box technique?
2) Next, I'd like you to visualize your goal as sharply as possible. For this you can use the Silva Mind Control Techniques, in which you take your mind to a meditative state and then visualize what you desire on a mental white screen. You don't need to visualize a specific sport activity like scoring a goal or anything like that. Visualizing yourself as someone getting a gold medal or being paid tribute to can be a powerful image for you to reach your goals.
3) Believe it... Please, you deserve being happy as much as any other human being in the world... One of the reasons why you may not be getting what you want is that you stop yourself with the way you think. Please, forget your negative thoughts: happiness is at a stone's throw, just believe it and follow the techniques you are shown in here. They are for free, they cost nothing but a little discipline. They are worth learning and using.

Once again, thank you very much for reading this your blog. Don't forget that all of us a God's creatures and deserve to fulfill our wishes.
Be happy and don't forget to come back whenever you need advice.

Hypnosis for Strength and Other Mental Training... por LegendaryStrength

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Do you remember my post about meditation?
Well, meditation can help you in many different ways:
1) It can help you concentrate.
2) It can help you relax.
3) It can help you have the state of mind suitable for visualization techniques.
4) It can help your creativity.

As an example of the latter point, I can tell you that I wrote "El secuestro de la novia y un relato de amor" when I was in some kind of meditation state. They are two short stories written in Spanish. Although it possibly is not your mother tongue, they might be worth reading if you are trying to improve your Spanish.

Summing up: enter a meditation state with the technique you feel most comfortable with and they try to get creative ideas. It will be very useful if you are an artist.

Learn Benefits Of Yoga EP 12- Meditation for Mind por idevotional