Friday, October 12, 2012


Getting rich is one of the most common desires we all have, but most people never reach this objective.

What are the reasons for this?

1) People do not believe in themselves.
2) They do not really think it is possible to become rich without doing illegal stuff.
3) They do not think they deserve being rich.
4) They think they cannot.

All of the previous reasons can be summarised into only one:
People  have negative thoughts.

How can we change this?

1) Do away with negative ideas. Rephrase common negative believes using positive statements. Instead of "I can't", you should think "I can".
2) Think of a famous person you know that struck it rich. Normally this will help you to believe everything is possible, because if someone else has done it, why not you? Imagine people like Mr. Ortega. He was a normal person and now he is one of the richest people in the world. Remember clothes shop "Zara". He is "Zara's" owner. Or maybe you want to become a film star and think you do not have what it takes? Remember popular examples like Jean-nemClaude Van Damme, who was just a Belgian guy running a gym in his own country and became a legend in the action films business.

I will give you a technique for you to activate the
Law of Attraction in order to become wealthy:

First, you need to state what you do not like about being poor or average. For example, most people do not like having trouble to make ends meet, or not being able to go to a restaurant and choose from the menu without looking at the prices.

Second, you need to state why you would to become rich. For example, you may say that you would have no troubleat the end of the month, or that you would be able to impress a girl by inviting her to have dinner in an expensive restaurant, or maybe that you could buy the car of your dreams, etc.

Third, eliminate negative thoughts or transform them into positive ones, as I mentioned earlier.

Fourth, it is a good idea to state what you do not want and what you do wish on a piece of paper. Then you can have a look at that everyday in order to reinforce you objective in your mind and make the Universe and the Law of Attraction work for you.

The last and maybe most important step is, again, visualisation. I would like you to use a visualisation technique in order to make things happen for real. Remember, everything you can see came out of someone's mind. Planes, buildings, enterprises, etc were, first of all, ideas, and then they were made real. That is the power of visualisation: imagine yourself as if you were already a wealthy person. You can imagine yourself driving a luxury car, going to Harrod's, being acclaimed at the end of a press release (in case you wanted to become a celebrity), etc...

This is a visualization technique I found on the next website: There are many different techniques, I'll find more for you in the future so that you can choose the ones you feel more comfortable with.
Would you like to know more? Then the next video is for you:

How to attract money using the law of... por vishicastle1 Thank you very much for your attention and, if you like this blog, don't forget to suscribe so that you get to know when I publ
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Enjoy and please be positive :)


  1. Why asking for money and not for the thing itself? For example, you can ask for a trendy car and not for the money to buy it.

  2. But if you have money you can buy everything you want!
